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Pet Memorials
I have owned animals long enough to have personally experienced the bond a person can have with their own pet. Pets are truly members of the family. If I believed anything different, I certainly could never be the doctor I am today. That being said, every once in a while I cross paths with a patient that touches my life in ways I cannot describe, as if he/she is one of my own or is able to see into my soul. Animals are remarkable beings. They have the ability to teach you things about life and yourself through their unwavering love and strength. The way they tolerate and hide pain while still concerning themselves with lightening your mood with a simple wag of their tail is without reproach. They make you a better person just by being in their presence, give you compassion and hope when it is difficult to see through mud, and give me a profound sense of responsibility for not only their own well-being, but also their owner's.

One such patient, recently, has inspired me to create this Memorial page. He had the strength to wait for his owners to visit, so that they had the opportunity to tell him how much they loved him, even though he was very sick. It was only moments after they had left that I watched him staring out the window for an instant, as if saying his final good-bye to this world, content that his parents had just visited. I squeezed my daughter tight and prayed to God to help him, not realizing what that would mean, as I peered up a second later to find him slumped over. I rushed to his side and held him in my arms during his final breaths as God had graciously allowed him to cross the rainbow bridge. The grief that I experienced with his loss I am sure does not compare to that of his owners. He truly was a special boy, a tender heart and majestic spirit. The helplessness that I felt as his doctor, unable to save him, reinforced my drive to be a better doctor every day. No, I cannot save them all, but I will always strive to. I will carry his spirit with me, along with many others, as they all live on through my work.
In honor of him and all of those that we have lost, I want to offer a place to pay their respects. I welcome you to create a lasting tribute for your beloved pet that I will post proudly on this Memorial page. Tell us how he/she made you laugh, taught you something, or just gave you undeniable love and affection.
Please e-mail Dr. Vought at
with any photos and/or kind words you would like posted about your beloved pet.
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