Thump, Rustle, Poke…
As if on cue, a cold, wet nose
Nuzzled a face in the sheets.
Yawn… She stroked his head and rose.
What do you think, my sweet boy?
Pondering an outside trek.
Grumble, Owl, Howl…
With upright ears and cocked neck.
Waiting patiently, watching.
The birds sang while squirrels played.
Yip-yap, Wag, Crunch…
Oh joy, a burnt peanut raid.
Splish, Splash, Ker plunk…
The stick fell without bother,
Dropping from the air, mid-stride,
With a single call from father.
With a pack strapped to his back,
Up the dusty trail they hiked.
Sniffle, Snort, Lick…
A mewing fur ball he liked.
Taken by the day they had,
Quickly, he came running back.
Whimper, Nudge, Snooze…
Pleased to snuggle with his pack.
-By Danielle L. Vought


Dearest Swamp Dog
Always on our mind, Always in our hearts.
We love and miss you.